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Встречи ректора УрГЭУ Якова Силина с иностранными студентами проходят на регулярной основе

At the Recreation Center, the meeting of USUE rector Yakov Silin with foreign students of all USUE institutes and the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens took place. 

The students could ask their questions and express wishes regarding the organization of the educational process and their residence in dormitories.

“Today, more than 1000 foreign students from 56 countries study at USUE. We are ready to listen to you and help you solve your urgent problems. If conflicts arise, first of all, please convey this information to the university staff who are constantly in touch with you and supervise you in any situation,” Yakov Silin said. 
Particular attention at the meeting was paid to the living standards in dormitories. Yakov Silin noted that to keep order, to take good care of appliances and equipment and to respect one’s neighbors should be a priority for a foreign student. 

At the Recreation Center, the meeting of USUE rector Yakov Silin with foreign students of all USUE institutes and the preparatory faculty for foreign citizens took place.


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