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Кто лучший шахматист среди иностранных студентов УрГЭУ

As part of the working meeting of the Chess and Checkers Club, foreign students of Ural State University of Economics took part in the team chess tournament. The game involved teams of four institutes and the USUE faculty of pre-university training.

In total, about 40 foreign students from USUE met at chessboards. For each game, each player was given 15 minutes, and then the teams swapped places.

According to the results of the tournament, students of the Institute of Management and Information Technologies became the best among foreign chess players of USUE. The second place was taken by the team of the Institute of Economics, the third was the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service, and the fourth were students of the Institute of Finance and Law.

As part of the working meeting of the Chess and Checkers Club, foreign students of Ural State University of Economics took part in the team chess tournament. The game involved teams of four institutes and the USUE faculty of pre-university training.


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