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«Многие уже учат русский язык и хотят учиться в России»: китайским школьникам презентовали программы УрГЭУ

October 19, the delegation of Ural State University of Economics consisting of the Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov and head of the International Cooperation Office Margarita Medvedeva arrived in Fangzheng Senior High School of Heilongjiang Province. The headmaster, Mr. Huang gave a tour of the School: he showed its museum, classrooms, laboratories, places for creativity and entertainment.

Then, a meeting with schoolchildren was organized, attended by 10, 11 and 12 graders. Roman Krasnov made a presentation of USUE educational programs and answered students' questions. Children were interested in entrance examinations for foreign students, areas  of training and living conditions. Many of them are already learning Russian and want to study in Russia.

As a reminder, from 18 to 20 October the USUE delegation is on a visit in Harbin. Roman Krasnov and Margarita Medvedeva visited the Daqing Senior High School and met with the leadership of Harbin University of Commerce.

October 19, the delegation of Ural State University of Economics consisting of the Vice-Rector for Social Work Roman Krasnov and head of the International Cooperation Office Margarita Medvedeva arrived in Fangzheng Senior High School of Heilongjiang Province. The headmaster, Mr. Huang gave a tour of the School: he showed its museum, classrooms, laboratories, places for creativity and entertainment.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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