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Первокурсники УрГЭУ приняли участие в турнире по пейнтболу

October 22, at the club "Kupol" USUE freshers had the opportunity to take part in the paintball tournament.

Youth teams from all over the University competed for the right to be the best in their age divisions. No special training was required to participate in the game, the students once again proved the popularization of paintball as a sport.

We would like to note the organization, as there were quite strict rules for the tournament: the quality of the site and the equipment of the players left positive impressions on the participants.

At the end of the tournament top places were won by

  1. SINH about
  2. Eurasia
  3. Trade Union Committee

We congratulate the winners, the organizers of the "SINH" sports club together with the representatives of the trade union committee and hope that competitions of such a scale will follow.

22 октября в клубе «Купол» первокурсники УрГЭУ приняли участие в турнире по пейнтболу.

Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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