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Ректор УрГЭУ Яков Силин принял участие в заседании Международного Союза экономистов и ВЭО России

September 25, the “Report on Trade and Development 2019” was presented in the world capitals, as part of the meeting of the International Union of Economists and VEO of Russia.

The organizers of the event were the International Union of Economists, the UN Information Center and the Free Economic Society of Russia. It was moderated by Professor Alexander Dynkin, President of the Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations (IMEMO) at Russian Academy of Science, RAS academician, vice-president of VEO of Russia, vice-president of the International Union of Economists, Doctor of Economics.


The UNCTAD Annual Trade and Development Report is an authoritative document that has always been a valuable source of information and analytics for experts, economists, journalists and government officials around the world.


The event was attended by the USUE rector Yakov Silin. He noted: "For the entire Big Urals region, which consists of eight constituent territories of the Russian Federation, Ural State University of Economics is the only specialized economic university”.

September 25, the “Report on Trade and Development 2019” was presented in the world capitals, as part of the meeting of the International Union of Economists and VEO of Russia.


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