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УрГЭУ начал студенческую Универсиаду с первого места по шашкам

February 19, USUE hosted the Checkers Championship as part of the annual Universiade among higher educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region.

In total, seven universities of Yekaterinburg took part in the tournament: USUE, USFEU, Institute of State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia, Ural State Agrarian University, USLU, Ural State University of Physical Culture, and Ural Law Institute of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

Ural State University of Economics was represented by Matvey Nedbaylo (Master of Sports, group M-18-1), Damir Rysaev (International Grandmaster, group IVT-19-3), and Pavel Nikonov (Candidate Master of Sports, group BI-19-1)
By common efforts, the USUE students scored 17 points out of 18 possible and broke their own record of the previous year.

February 19, USUE hosted the Checkers Championship as part of the annual Universiade among higher educational institutions of the Sverdlovsk region.

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