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УрГЭУ и СПбПУ будут вместе укреплять оборонную промышленность страны

Within the framework of the 10th International Trade Fair "INNOPROM", USUE rector Yakov Silin met with the rector of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Andrei Rudskoy and CEO of Union of Defense Industry Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region Vladimir Shchelokov.

“When the two top-rank universities of the country with many-year gained experience cooperate with defense industry enterprises, they set the tasks to provide maximum assistance to economics practitioners and key enterprises of Russia. To those who are already working and strengthening the defense power of our state, we offer retraining and advanced training programs. Professionals in the real sector of economy need to constantly update their knowledge. We unite to become stronger,” Yakov Silin noted.

Within the framework of the 10th International Trade Fair "INNOPROM", USUE rector Yakov Silin met with the rector of Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Andrei Rudskoy and CEO of Union of Defense Industry Enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region Vladimir Shchelokov.


Пресс-служба УрГЭУ

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