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Встреча на высшем уровне: Яков Силин представил главе региона проекты вуза

January 24, during a working meeting with the Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, USUE rector Yakov Silin presented the projects implemented by the University and aimed generally at developing the region.

They spoke, in particular, about the work done by Ural State University of Economics in fulfilling the national projects, as well as the regional programs “Five-Year Plan of Development” and “Ural Engineering School”.
During the conversation, the rector said that this academic year the University enrolled 5507 new students, which is 11% more than in 2018, and that there was also significant success in the field of popularizing science among young people.

“Within the framework of the Ural Engineering School, Ural State University of Economics has established a whole system of laboratories - a unified educational and scientific laboratory complex (ULC). We can help kindergartens, educational and medical institutions of the region in terms of ensuring quality control of the nutrition of children and adults,” the rector said. The ULC comprises 7 laboratories: those of food technology, of forensic science, of biotechnology, of certification tests, of merchandising and expertise, physical and chemical laboratory, and laboratory of interdepartmental research. The ULC team together with the Institute of Trade, Food Technologies and Service offers occupational guidance for high-school students of gymnasiums 2, 35, 88, 10 and others. It regularly participates in the USUE Open Days and tours ща the University. During 2019, ULC undertook 721 laboratory studies.

January 24, during a working meeting with the Governor Yevgeny Kuyvashev, USUE rector Yakov Silin presented the projects implemented by the University and aimed generally at developing the region.


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